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Meet the Team

The People Who Make Us Amazing

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Jack Duboc

Level building and Code

Jack is currently a Junior from Toronto studying Computer Science.  Jack was responsible for Implementing the moving for some of the monsters, battery functionality, health and battery pickups,  Level building, and building out the website. Outside of school Jack enjoys playing golf and watching movies.

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Eva Baranes

Level building and Sound

Eva is currently a Senior from Paris studying Computer Science. Eva was responsible for adding the flashlight feature to the game, incorporating the music and audio elements to the game, and editing the trailer for the Game. Outside of school and video games, Eva likes to paint and spend time outdoors.

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George McGurkin

Level building and Code

George is a sophomore studying computer science at Tufts. He did some of the programing on the game, including the player movement, flashlight interactions, and enemy AI. His favorite games include Hollow Knight, Outer Wilds, and Hitman.

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Emmeline Meyers

Level building and Art

Emmeline is a current junior from Buffalo, NY studying engineering psychology and minoring in studio art and computer science. She worked on the art and animations for the game, designed the UI and early levels, and recorded music and audio elements. Outside of video games, she enjoys rock climbing with friends, running, animation, and illustration.

Our Team: Our Team
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